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Join Rose for a Seasonal Cooking Evening
Tuesday, 5th November 2013
Book a place to join Rose Prince for a seasonal cooking evening, on Wednesday November 20th 2013 Read more...
Fenland Celery
Tuesday, 1st November 2011
The last time I remember finding soil inside the leaves of a celery plant must have been in childhood. Like dirty salad and muddy leeks, earthy celery belongs to that era when washing vegetables was part of a ritual. Needing to wash a plant in two or... Read more...
Andre Rodary's Duck Lesson
Thursday, 13th October 2011
It is not often that we get to see a whole duck butchered, the traditional French way. But I took the following notes watching a Gascon farmer, Andre Rodary. The duck was mature, fattened on a small farm to produce foie gras. Read more...